January – December, 2023

JANUARY: Heike Müller
FEBRUARY: Almira Medaric
MARCH: huber.huber
APRIL: Simone Kappeler
MAY: Madame Tricot
JUNE: steffenschöni
JULY: Elisabeth Nembrini
AUGUST: Karin Karinna Bühler
SEPTEMBER: Werner Widmer
OCTOBER: Othmar Eder
NOVEMBER: Ursula Palla
DECEMBER: Urs Eberle

widmertheodoridis keeps finding and presenting art at new places. This time the event was limited by the spatial conditions of the exhibition space OTTTO: The art works had to fit into the display window in favour of a 24/7 accessibility.

On the first day of each month, Greeks will be greeting just about every single person they know and meet with: “Καλό μήνα” (Kalo Mina), which literally means “good month”. OTTTO and widmertheodoridis wishes you in 2023 with 12 Swiss artists a ‘Kalo Mina’ in Athens. Kalo Mina is not a thematic exhibition but a window of Swiss contemporary art. On the first of every month one artist out of twelve is presented.
January 1 – December 20, 2023 

Reception and presentation of new works:
On the 1st of every month, 6–8pm

1st to 20th of every month in 2023

Window exhibition 24/7